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This is How the Smart Money Invests

Low cost, fixed-fee, evidence-based investment strategies based on decades of Nobel laureate research and insights.


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Helping Clients Build Wealth since 2005

Planvesting, LLC is a small, independent investment management firm dedicated to providing low cost, fixed-fee investment management services to affluent investors who understand the power of passive investment strategies.


Investing is not nearly as difficult as it looks. Successful investing involves doing a few things right and avoiding serious mistakes.John C. Bogle, Founder – Vanguard Group


After adjusting … for survivorship bias, taxes, and loads, the dominance of index funds <over actively-managed funds> reaches insurmountable proportions.” Charles Ellis, The Index Revolution.


Asset allocation eliminates the need to predict the near-term future direction of the financial markets and eliminates the risk of being in the wrong market at the wrong time.Richard A. Ferri, All About Asset Allocation.

You First!

Everything we do – from how we price our services, to the guidance we provide our clients – is determined with a single, over-riding question in mind: “Is this the best we can do to protect the long-term financial interests of our clients for the lowest reasonable cost?” It’s a standard of care that goes beyond the fiduciary standard; one that’s based on principles rather than just the letter of the law. Often referred to as a “Stewardship” standard, it reflects our passion and commitment to always do right.

Luck vs. Skill: The Failure of Active Management

“Wall Street’s favorite scam is pretending that luck is skill.”

 Ron Ross, Ph.D. – The Unbeatable Market

Underperformance Abounds

According to S&P Global, 89% of equity mutual funds and 77% of fixed income mutual funds failed to beat their benchmarks for the 10 years ended 12/31/23.

You Can't Pick the Winners

Market-beating performance does not tend to persist. In other words, what the fine print says is true: past performance is no guarantee of future results.

Don't Be Fooled

Wall Street has lots of tricky ways to “prove” that their expensive, active strategies work when, in fact, they’re simply costing you money.

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Questions? Comments? Concerns? Let’s connect and discuss!